Jobbar och sliter
Det blev jobb hela gårkvällen 15-22 och hela dagen idag 10-18 med lite konstsimsträning innan 8-10. Så en heldag på badet. Därav väldigt dåligt med uppdatering här och så tänker jag fortsätta den här dagen.
Men nu vet ni att jag lever ;)
I did some hours of work yesterday, 3-10pm and then the entire day today 10am - 6pm and had some synchro practise before that 8-10 am so an entiore day by the pool. That's why I haven't updated my blog and that's how I will continue this evening, without updates here :P
But at least you know I'm alive now ;)
Men nu vet ni att jag lever ;)
I did some hours of work yesterday, 3-10pm and then the entire day today 10am - 6pm and had some synchro practise before that 8-10 am so an entiore day by the pool. That's why I haven't updated my blog and that's how I will continue this evening, without updates here :P
But at least you know I'm alive now ;)