Ny blogg
Snart slut
Nu är det bara en halvtimma kvar innan jag slutar för dagen och som ni ser har det blivit fullt med kladdlappar idag :p Till och med handen fick rycka in. Nu är det dock väldigt lugnt vilket är skönt eftersom jag inte riktigt mår kanon idag.
Det blir långa dagar den här veckan, jobb 8-17. Och idag ska jag strax bege mig till badet för föräldrarmöte med konstsimmet. Imorgon har jag tid att fixa mina naglar vid sex. Torsdag ska jag troligen vara tränare och fredag jobbar jag 18-21 på badet också...
Dessutom jobbar jag 6-16.30 på lördag. Gissa om jag kommer vara trött på söndag :P
Long days this week, I work 8am-5pm. And we have a parents meeting with the synchronized swimming today at 6pm, I have an appointment to get my nails done tomorrow at 6pm, I'm probably going to coach the kids thursday evening and work 6pm-9pm friday. And work saturday 6am-4.30pm.
I'll be exhausted on sunday :P
Dessutom jobbar jag 6-16.30 på lördag. Gissa om jag kommer vara trött på söndag :P
Long days this week, I work 8am-5pm. And we have a parents meeting with the synchronized swimming today at 6pm, I have an appointment to get my nails done tomorrow at 6pm, I'm probably going to coach the kids thursday evening and work 6pm-9pm friday. And work saturday 6am-4.30pm.
I'll be exhausted on sunday :P
Blev som sagt bjuden på grillning på jobbet idag. Mycket trevligt och vi klarade oss från regn (=
Blev femkamp och god mat (= Har världens mysigaste hund på kontorer också och han var givetvis med, har aldrig sett honom springa runt så mycket som idag haha
We had a bbq tonight as I mentioned before. I had a great night (=
They had arranged a couple of competitions and a lot of great food (= We have the cutest dog ever at our job and he was there tonight too, and I have never seen him run around that much before haha
Blev femkamp och god mat (= Har världens mysigaste hund på kontorer också och han var givetvis med, har aldrig sett honom springa runt så mycket som idag haha
We had a bbq tonight as I mentioned before. I had a great night (=
They had arranged a couple of competitions and a lot of great food (= We have the cutest dog ever at our job and he was there tonight too, and I have never seen him run around that much before haha
Nu är jag med lägenhet!
Känns fantastiskt, inflyttning den 1/8
The apartment is mine!
It feels great, I'm moving in the first of august
Känns fantastiskt, inflyttning den 1/8
The apartment is mine!
It feels great, I'm moving in the first of august
God morgon
Idag är det måndag igen och vi går in i en ny jobbvecka. Förhoppningsvis veckan som jag blir med lägenhet (=
Jag hoppas vädret förbättrar sig lite också för planen är att det ska bli grillning ute i chefens sommarstuga efter jobbet, men inte om det ska ösregna haha
Vi får väl se vad det blir av den här dagen....
It's monday again and a new week full of work. It's hopefully the week when I find out that I have an apartment (=
And I hope the weather will be better during the day because the plan is to have a bbq at my boss's house later today, but not if it's raining haha
So I guess I just ahve to wait and see what happens with today...
Jag hoppas vädret förbättrar sig lite också för planen är att det ska bli grillning ute i chefens sommarstuga efter jobbet, men inte om det ska ösregna haha
Vi får väl se vad det blir av den här dagen....
It's monday again and a new week full of work. It's hopefully the week when I find out that I have an apartment (=
And I hope the weather will be better during the day because the plan is to have a bbq at my boss's house later today, but not if it's raining haha
So I guess I just ahve to wait and see what happens with today...
Trevlig kväll
Igår hade vi tjejkväll hemma hos Ellen med massa god mat och en del vin. Jag hade en supertrevlig kväll! Det får vi göra om snart. Valde vin genom att välja en fin flaska, hur motstår man en flaska där det står summer up your life? Dock har jag druckit det innan så jag visste att jag gillade det :)
We had a girls night at Ellen's place last night with a lot of great food and some wine. I had a great night! We have to do it again sometime soon. I choosed my wine by looking at the design of the bottle, how do you say no to a bottle on which it's written summer up your life? But i have tried it before so I knew i liked it :)
We had a girls night at Ellen's place last night with a lot of great food and some wine. I had a great night! We have to do it again sometime soon. I choosed my wine by looking at the design of the bottle, how do you say no to a bottle on which it's written summer up your life? But i have tried it before so I knew i liked it :)
"min" lägenhet
Jag tittade som sagt på en lägenhet i förmiddags och jag älskar den!
Där vill jag bo haha
Troligtvis är den min men jag vågar inte tro det säkert fören papperna är påskrivna :P
I was looking at an apartment earlier today and I love it!
I wanna live there haha
It's probably mine but I don't dare to actually believe it until the papers are signed :P
Där vill jag bo haha
Troligtvis är den min men jag vågar inte tro det säkert fören papperna är påskrivna :P
I was looking at an apartment earlier today and I love it!
I wanna live there haha
It's probably mine but I don't dare to actually believe it until the papers are signed :P
Idag har Sofie fyllt år, ett år närmre vuxen ;)
Hon är dock inte här uppe i Jönköping utan nere på Sweden rock i hennes hemtrakter. Men jag hoppas hon har haft/har en fantastisk dag (=
På söndag ska jag kolla på lägenhet! Så håll alla tummar att den är fin och att den är min (=
It's Sofie's birthday today, one year closer to be an adult ;)
But she's not here in Jönköping but down where she's from visiting the music festival sweden rock. But I hope that she had an amazing day and that she'll have an amazing night (=
I'm going to look at an apartment on sunday, keep your fingers crossed that it's nice and that I can have it (=
Hon är dock inte här uppe i Jönköping utan nere på Sweden rock i hennes hemtrakter. Men jag hoppas hon har haft/har en fantastisk dag (=
På söndag ska jag kolla på lägenhet! Så håll alla tummar att den är fin och att den är min (=
It's Sofie's birthday today, one year closer to be an adult ;)
But she's not here in Jönköping but down where she's from visiting the music festival sweden rock. But I hope that she had an amazing day and that she'll have an amazing night (=
I'm going to look at an apartment on sunday, keep your fingers crossed that it's nice and that I can have it (=
Hoppsan det verkar vara dags att uppdatera lite här...
Men det har inte hänt så mycket, jag arbetar och arbetar haha. Igår hann jag iofs med att hänga hemma hos Petra en sväng vilket var på tiden då vi inte setts sen vi kom hem från New York.
Idag är det fredag vilket borde betyda helg men tyvärr har jag lovat att jobba uppe på badet imorgon :P Så tji fick jag haha
Förhoppningsvis ska jag dock få kolla på en lägenhet i helgen, väntar på att tjejen ska höra av sig igen om när hon kunde. Så håll alla tummar!
It seems like it's time to do an update here...
But it's not much that has happened, I'm working and working haha. But I did hang out with Petra a couple of hours and that was about time since I haven't seen her since we came back from New York.
Today is friday and that should meen the weekend is soon here but I promised to work at my other job at the pool tomorrow so unfortunately not for me :P
But I'll hopefully look at an apartment to rent this weekend, I'm waiting for the girl to get back to me about when she has time to do it. So keep your fingers crossed!
Men det har inte hänt så mycket, jag arbetar och arbetar haha. Igår hann jag iofs med att hänga hemma hos Petra en sväng vilket var på tiden då vi inte setts sen vi kom hem från New York.
Idag är det fredag vilket borde betyda helg men tyvärr har jag lovat att jobba uppe på badet imorgon :P Så tji fick jag haha
Förhoppningsvis ska jag dock få kolla på en lägenhet i helgen, väntar på att tjejen ska höra av sig igen om när hon kunde. Så håll alla tummar!
It seems like it's time to do an update here...
But it's not much that has happened, I'm working and working haha. But I did hang out with Petra a couple of hours and that was about time since I haven't seen her since we came back from New York.
Today is friday and that should meen the weekend is soon here but I promised to work at my other job at the pool tomorrow so unfortunately not for me :P
But I'll hopefully look at an apartment to rent this weekend, I'm waiting for the girl to get back to me about when she has time to do it. So keep your fingers crossed!
dag två
andra dagen på jobbet idag, igår när jag kom hem var jag helt slut haha Men jag lär mig mer och mer så det är ju positivt iallafall :p Imorgon äär det dessutom ledigt så det blir skönt ;)
My second day at work today, I was exhausted yesterday evening haha But i learn more and more at least :p And we have tomorrow off, that'll be nice ;)
My second day at work today, I was exhausted yesterday evening haha But i learn more and more at least :p And we have tomorrow off, that'll be nice ;)
slut på lovet
Jaha nu är mitt sommarlov slut... Började jobba idag och nu jobbar jag heeela sommaren. Men jag jobbar med väldigt trevliga människor och det ska bli mycket trevligt att få pengar haha
My summer break is over... I started working today and im going to work the whooole summer. But the people i work with seems really nice and i'm really excited about the money haha
Idag sa jag även hejdå till Ellen som flyttar till kanada imorgon, jag kommer sakna henne! Men jag håller tummarna för henne och hoppas hon får superskoj :)
My summer break is over... I started working today and im going to work the whooole summer. But the people i work with seems really nice and i'm really excited about the money haha
I also had to say bye to Ellen, she's moving to Canada tomorrow, I'll miss her! but i keep my fingers crossed for her and i hope she will have a lot of fun :)
nu är det helg inte för att det gör så stor skillnad för mig men iallafall :p
it's the weekend not because it makes any difference for me but anyway :p i have been on a lunch with my friends and are on my way to pick up our rental car since we're going to a competition on örebro
har precis varit och lunchat med mina fina vänner och nu är jag påväg att hämta upp vår hyrbil. i helgen blir det örebro med konstsimmet ju.
it's the weekend not because it makes any difference for me but anyway :p i have been on a lunch with my friends and are on my way to pick up our rental car since we're going to a competition on örebro
Jag är trött, orkeslös och oinspirerad... Jag borde ha all energi i världen dock eftersom jag varit ledig nu i två veckor men så är inte fallet.
Jag hoppas dock det fixar till sig för i helgen åker jag med tjejerna på SM och på måndag börjar jag jobba och sen jobbar jag hela sommaren.
Lunch med fina flickor imon innan avfärd dock. Påminde mig om att jag borde packa ikväll :P
I'm tired and have no energy and i don't feel like doing anything... I should have all the energy in the world since I've had the last two weeks free.
I hope I will feel better tomorrow because my girls are competing in the national championships this weekend and I'm going with them and my job starts monday.
I'm going to have lunch with my friends tomorrow before leaving. Which reminds me of the fact that i should pack my bag tonight.
Jag hoppas dock det fixar till sig för i helgen åker jag med tjejerna på SM och på måndag börjar jag jobba och sen jobbar jag hela sommaren.
Lunch med fina flickor imon innan avfärd dock. Påminde mig om att jag borde packa ikväll :P
I'm tired and have no energy and i don't feel like doing anything... I should have all the energy in the world since I've had the last two weeks free.
I hope I will feel better tomorrow because my girls are competing in the national championships this weekend and I'm going with them and my job starts monday.
I'm going to have lunch with my friends tomorrow before leaving. Which reminds me of the fact that i should pack my bag tonight.
wiie jag fick hämta ut min nya telefon idag så nu sitter jag och försöker lära mig den, mycket spännande haha
wiie i got my new phone today so im playing around with it to try to teach myself how it works, very exciting haha
Mysig kväll
Jag åkte hem till Ellen en sväng ikväll för att hinna umgås med henne innan hon flyttar till Kanada. det blev en hel del skitsnack, en promenad och sen avslutade vi med ett par glas vin i solen tillsammans med Jesper och hand flickvän. Blev en mycket trevlig kväll, tackar (=
I visited Ellen today, I need to spend time with her before she moves to Canada. A whole lot of talking about everything, a walk and then a couple of glasses of wine in the sun with Jesper and his girlfriend. A great evening, thanks (=
I visited Ellen today, I need to spend time with her before she moves to Canada. A whole lot of talking about everything, a walk and then a couple of glasses of wine in the sun with Jesper and his girlfriend. A great evening, thanks (=
Morgonpigga vänner
Uff jag ska vara ute i bankeryd vid tio över tio hemma hos Martin... Så jag har minsann fått lämna sängen trots att den var huuuur skön som helst. Men det är det värt! haha
Uh I'm supposed to be out in Bankeryd (about 20 min drive) 10.10 am at martin's place.... So I had to leave the bed even tho it felt sooooooo nice when I woke up. But it's worth it! haha
Uh I'm supposed to be out in Bankeryd (about 20 min drive) 10.10 am at martin's place.... So I had to leave the bed even tho it felt sooooooo nice when I woke up. But it's worth it! haha
Åh svenska jordgubbar och jordgubbstårta ute i solen. Mycket fint...
Tyvärr upplyste Johanna mig om att vädret i veckan ska bli sämre, det suger jag ville grilla ju! Dessutom är det min sista lediga vecka så det hade gärna fått vara fint...
swedish strawberried and strawberrycake out in the sun. Awesome...
Johanna told me the weather is supposed to be worse next week tho, that sucks I wanted to have a bbq! And it's my last free week before I start working so I wouldn't mind some more sun...
Tyvärr upplyste Johanna mig om att vädret i veckan ska bli sämre, det suger jag ville grilla ju! Dessutom är det min sista lediga vecka så det hade gärna fått vara fint...
swedish strawberried and strawberrycake out in the sun. Awesome...
Johanna told me the weather is supposed to be worse next week tho, that sucks I wanted to have a bbq! And it's my last free week before I start working so I wouldn't mind some more sun...
Grattis mamma
På morsdag, det firas med tårta senare. Just nu ligger vi båda ute i trädgården i solen och jobbar på våra brännor. Älskar svensk sommar, synd att man inte kan vara ledig hela sommaren utan måste jobba :P Men frågan är väl hur länge der här vädret håller i sig...
It's mother's day here in sweden today and we're going to celebrate mum later with a cake. But we're both out in the sun in our garden at the moment working on our tan. I love swedish summer, too bad I can't have the whole summer off from school and work :P But the question is for how long the weather will stay...
It's mother's day here in sweden today and we're going to celebrate mum later with a cake. But we're both out in the sun in our garden at the moment working on our tan. I love swedish summer, too bad I can't have the whole summer off from school and work :P But the question is for how long the weather will stay...
Naturally, the common people don't want war...
But, after all, it is the leaders of a country
Who determine policy...
... And it is always a simple matter
To drag people along...
Whether it is a Democracy,
Or a Fascist Dictatorship,
Or a Parliament,
Or a Communist Dictatorship...
Voice or no voice,
The people can always be brought
To the bidding of their leaders...
This is easy.
All you have to do is tell them
"We are being attacked..."
And Denounce The Pacifist
For exposing this country to danger...
It works the same in every country.
(that was from the Nurnberg Trials, by Hermann Goering,
Adolph Hitler's Reich-Marshal)
But, after all, it is the leaders of a country
Who determine policy...
... And it is always a simple matter
To drag people along...
Whether it is a Democracy,
Or a Fascist Dictatorship,
Or a Parliament,
Or a Communist Dictatorship...
Voice or no voice,
The people can always be brought
To the bidding of their leaders...
This is easy.
All you have to do is tell them
"We are being attacked..."
And Denounce The Pacifist
For exposing this country to danger...
It works the same in every country.
(that was from the Nurnberg Trials, by Hermann Goering,
Adolph Hitler's Reich-Marshal)